Community Hub

St John’s Centre became one of Trafford Council’s COVID Community Hubs in 2020 and we continue to offer help with:

  • Food bank referrals and emergency food
  • Help with energy and bills
  • Signposting to specialist advice and services

The Hub is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-1.30pm (closed Thursday). Please note we can only help with gas and electricity top-ups from 10am-12pm.

Community Navigators from Citizens Advice are available in the Hub every Tuesday from 10am-12.30pm and 1-3pm. More details are available on our Citizens Advice page.

If you or someone you know in Old Trafford needs help from our Hub, you can call us during opening hours or email [email protected]. For other parts of Trafford, please go to the Trafford Hubs website to find your nearest Hub. If you are a Manchester resident, visit the City Council’s “Helping Hands”.

If you would like to donate food or household supplies to be distributed by the Hub, please check our Food Donations page to see what we need most.

If you are interested in volunteering in the Hub, please email [email protected]